Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Reading Group

Once a month, on the very last Wednesday to be precise, a group of intrepid readers meet to discuss a different literary delight which they have all read - and sometimes even enjoyed! We are a small and friendly group who enjoy a wide and varied diet of fiction, both contemporary and classical, non-fiction and even the odd helping of poetry - all washed down with steaming mugs of tea or coffee (sometimes there are even biscuits on special occasions). This month we will be discussing Love on the Dole by Walter Greenwood, and will meet tomorrow night, Wednesday 24th November at 7pm. We are always delighted to have new members so do come along and join us - we are currently compiling our list of titles for next year so if there's a book you've always wanted to share your love for, or find an excuse to get around to reading, then now is your chance.

Published in 1933  Love on the Dole is a classic novel of working class poverty in northern England in the nineteen thirties, drawn from the author's own experiences, as the introduction to the Vintage Classics edition tells us that Greenwood himself never earned 'more than thirty-five shillings a week' and 'was on the "dole" at least three times'. In keeping with the theme of the novel and the current state of the nation we can confirm that there will definitely be no biscuits at this meeting - we would kindly request that those who borrowed the library copies of the book refrain from pawning them, as we would really like them back please (though you may be forgiven if you buy biscuits with the proceeds, but only if you share!).


  1. My first immersion in the delights of Stromness Library Reading Group. Looks like I'm going to have to keep up to date with current affairs, brush up my social history and pay attention for once....perhaps the theme of tonight's meeting was a reflection of the book we were discussing...the brilliant reality of what it was really like, the hopelessness and despair in a northern mill town during the last prolonged depression in the 1930's. 'Love on the dole' was a very apt title in the current economic crisis and provided ample food for thought.

  2. Really good to see you at the meeting Effy, glad you enjoyed it. The book certainly sparked a thought provoking discussion, as you say, the book's themes are strikingly relevant to current events.


Can't make it along the street for a chat? Leave us a comment instead, we love hearing from you.